10 Best Low Investment Online Business Ideas You Can Start

Starting a business can seem like a difficult task. But the amount of time, money, and risk involved all depends on the business idea you chase.

Dropshipping is a low-investment way to test product-market fit and launch a business before you invest in your own original products

1. Start Dropshipping

When you think about it, a book is like any other product. Consequently, you can create one tailored to the needs of a particular market.

2. Create own book

Digital products like music, courses, and templates are unique on this list of ideas. There aren’t recurring manufacturing or shipping costs to worry about, so your margins can remain high.

3. Create digital products or courses

With services-based businesses, “time” is your inventory and your biggest investment. You’ve only got a limited supply of hours in your day.

4. Sell a service

If you love fashion and enjoy sharing your sense of style online, you can consider creating your own online fashion boutique.

5. Create an online fashion boutique

If you are interested in antique items, it's time to start an antique store of your own!

6. Antique store 

Set up an online store for your cloud kitchen/baked goods and let those nearby order food online or pick it up.

7. Set up your cloud kitchen or bakery

This business idea might be perfect if you're a tea or coffee connoisseur. This can only be achieved by aligning yourself with tea leaves and coffee producers.

8. Online coffee/ tea store

Set up your website, showcase some of your finest pictures and let your neighbourhood know that you're offering photography as a service.

9. Photography

If you hold a considerable amount of experience in being a life coach, go ahead and pick your niche.  Share your knowledge, be it general happiness, finding a balance in your life or career coaching.

10. Life coaching

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